Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The rules of couponing to make your experience better !

OK ladies well there is no written handbook on the rules of couponing, however, there are some out there that you would probably want to follow so you don't make people mad and make us couponers look bad!!! So why do the stores cringe and shoppers run the other way when they see a couponer? Well it is simple! Those couponers out there with bad attitudes and selfishness ruin it for the rest of us! So here are a couple of pieces of advise that will help you out and make for a great coupon haul!
1. Follow the stores coupon policy, you can find these online and print them out to keep in your binder. ( if you don't have a binder you need to make one  :) )Stores hate it when someone comes in and doesn't know what they are doing, but on the same note, make sure you are up to date with the coupon policy in case you have a cashier that doesn't have a clue either!  :)

2. Don't be a shelf clearer! Leave some for the rest of us! If you now you are wanting to get a large haul call the store, ask for a manager, and place and order for a large quantity of the item you need. Stores get shipments once or twice a week so the order will be in before the sale is over!

3. Be organized ! Nothing is more annoying than getting behind a person in line that is fumbling throw books, dropping coupons, and getting all stressed!

4. You can only use one coupon per item unless it states otherwise! So if you have four items you must have four coupons.

5. Do NOT try to use a coupon that is not for an item. For example you have a coupon for fruit cups and you try to use it on canned fruit! Doesn't really work that way and the cashier will get irritated.

6.Don't leave your binder at home ! Take it with you everywhere! :) That's way if opportunity arises you will always have your  " money" with you !

Ok, that's about all I can think of at the moment! Happy couponing!