Friday, January 20, 2012

Cleaning Products I LOVE!!!!!!

Ok guys, its time for my first post of some of the products I use in my home that I love! Let me start with a product that recently came out that I found last summer! Purex crystals! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!
Now you have to understand, I wash and or change my sheets about every three days!!! I wash my comforters and blankets about every two weeks! I am a clean freak when it comes to filth or germs or hygiene! :) Clutter not so much, my house is a tad bit cluttered ( come on I have kids!), anyways I do , do alot of de-germing, or de-filthing!  Well I love my house to smell nice , my clothes to smell nice and my bedding! I LOVE fresh bedding, well this product DEFIANTLY keeps your sheets and comforters and towels smelling nice for a long time! I do not use it on my clothes simply for the fact that I like to wear Bath and Body works sprays and perfume and I don't want the smells to clash! However, you can use it on your clothes of course!!! The scents last about a week like advertised, and it is only about 4.00 for a bottle. I have seen other products by Gain and Downy however they are around 7.00!!!! I have not tried them simply because I like the product I am using now and I can usually find coupons for it. There are coupons out for Downy and Gain but still with the price comparison I prefer PUREX! :)

The next product I LOVE LOVE LOVE and use all over my house is Clorox anywhere spray.
I love this product and literally use it everywhere!!!! On the website it does say that it is only for non-pourus surfaces, however, I use it on literally everything!!!! I love to clean my carpet with it! I use it for spots and when the dog has an accident or even when one of my children throws up on the carpet. I saturate the area with it, and scrub! It cleans the carpet and makes the area smell clean. NO harsh smells of perfume or cleaners, but clean. Now I have never experienced it bleaching my carpet and it is brown, but the cleaner
does contain,


  1. I've always wondered if the Magic Eraser works. Good to know that it does!

    1. Yes and it literally cleans everything!!!! Yay my first comment! Tell your friends about me :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Every mom should have magic eraser on hand. It is so awesome!!
