Sunday, January 22, 2012

OMG a new childrens store I discovered!

OK for those of you who are from the Houston area you may or may not have heard about this new store for children's clothing called, CRAZY 8!!! Now if you have heard of it, maybe I am behind in the times or something, but seriously this store is right up there with Carters and a Children's Place ! This is a sister store to Gymboree! Which I love Gymboree stuff but hate the prices!!!  I have mentioned before when it comes to products I am a complete TAG WHORE ( excuse my french! ) but I am! I do not wear use or deal with hardly anything that is not a brand name! I have always lived by "you get what you pay for!" Well, shall I say, you get what the retail price says you should pay for !!! Of course ,I pay way less than I should for alot of the items I use simply because I am thrifty! : ) My children ONLY wear name brands, some of you may think this is a dumb concept, but it is just me! This is why: OK lets say you go to the dollar store that carries some not so awesome brands, you pay 5 dollars for something and then it falls apart or doesn't last, well you could have gone to Carters and gotten the same shirt or outfit on sale ,used a coupon , and paid 5 dollars and now you have a outfit that will last longer than your child can wear it! The same thing goes for toys etc etc, I just DO NOT see what people see with spending money at these places! Its just dumb to me! But to each his own right ??? Sorry I got on my soap box there for a sec!

OK back to Crazy 8!! I found it today at the Pasadena Texas location! I was actually going to go to shop for myself! Well, if you have children you know how that goes, go for yourself, end up buying for them! Anyways, I walked in and literally was in amazement! I literally stood for thirty minutes at the front display finding all kinds of goodies for my daughter. They were having a great sale today! Stuff from 2.99 and up, and most of the regular items were around 10 bucks, some less some a little more. I spend about 200 dollars, and used a couponfor 20% off  of course! The actual retail price for what I bought was 478 dollars! What an amazing savings!!! Here is a pic for y'all of all I got, I got 14 pieces for my daughter, including a pair of shoes. And 11 pieces for my son! Here is my goodies!

 Granted not a very good picture but you can see a bit of the CUTE stuff I got! Ok so here are the helpful links. Here is the link for the 20% off coupon. Basically you just need to google  crazy 8 coupon 20% off and it comes up with the website. This is what you need for your coupon!

You can also go to facebook and like Crazy 8 and I believe you can get coupon codes there as well! OK I hope you all enjoyed this! And happy shopping!

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